studio J 展覧会のお知らせ
studio J に於ける2021年3月からの展覧会として「行千草個展-オートマチックな回帰」を開催いたします。行千草は今まで関西を中心に活動して来ましたが、studio Jでの発表は今回初めてとなります。
行は静謐な中にも、自身の確固とした世界観を表す事に長けている作家です。その静謐の中に突拍子もなく出現する食べ物や動物など奇想天外なモチーフの作品も過去にあり、その世界観も斬新でしたが、今回は2020年がそうであったように、誰しもが一度は感じた、夢か現か判明し難い世の中の状況と、自身の心象風景をリンクさせた作品群になっています。何卒ご高覧お願いいたします。 studio J 仁義千春
さて、今回の展覧会ですが、STUDIO J様より柿渋の古布をいただきました。柿渋の古布は厚手の生地で、使い古された皮製品のように、部分的に色あせや傷、縫い目などがあり味わい深い素材です。この古布を使って描いた作品を取り入れて個展を開催するお話をいただきました。個展を開催する話が具体化して間も無く、世界にコロナウィルスが蔓延するようになりました。程なく日本は緊急事態宣言が発令され、外出を控える日々が訪れました。
今回の作品は、その頃描き始めた作品群です。手始めに横長の作品を7点描きました。架空の世界というよりは、迷いが生じている内面を心の旅と重ねて7日間の物語という設定で描きました。画材には油性の色鉛筆を主に使用し、一部アクリル絵の具を使用しました。他に50号の作品も用意しました。この作品は、柿渋の古布と世界観がかけ離れてしまわないように、新しい厚手の濃い色味の生地を用意し漂白したものです。漂白することでできた色ムラをヒントにイメージを広げました。漂白することで1つの場面にいくつもの場面を連想させる構成ができ、新たな世界観につなげることができたと思います。新型コロナウィルスの影響は続きますが、その中での心境と日常を回帰しながら描いた作品群です。作品世界を楽しんでいただければ幸いです。 行千草 2020.12月
期間:2021年3月27日(土)~4月17日(土) 水曜-土曜 午後12時から午後6時
場所:studio J 〒550-0014 大阪市西区北堀江3-12-3 mobile 080-3356-9523
Announcing our exhibition “Yuki Chigusa Solo Exhibition: Automatic Return” which will be held at studio J from 27th March -17th April2021. Yuki Chigusa has been an active artist mainly in the Kansai area, but this is the first time that her work will be presented at studio J.
While a tranquil artist, Yuki expresses her own unwavering views of the world in her works. In the past, she has created out-of-this-worldly motifs with food and animals that appeared unexpectedly out of tranquility. That world she had created was full of originality but this time around in her solo exhibition, her works portray the social situations we have all been experiencing in the year 2020. Whether this all has been a dream or reality, she links together this world that has become beyond belief with her psychological landscape.
We hope to see you at studio J.
-studio J Chiharu Jingi
Artist Statement
I have been painting on gunny sacks. This started in 2017, when I started receiving coffee beans which came in gunny sacks from Shimano Coffee Company. Recently, I have been painting with not only oil-paints but also with colored pencils, oil-based pens, acrylic paints, and any other painting materials that suit the material.
For this exhibition, I received a Kakishibu* cloth from studio. The Kakishibu cloth is a distinct material that is thicker and almost resembles a worn-out leather material with its seams and how it fades and scratches overtime.
I was pleased to receive the idea of holding a solo exhibition by incorporating works drawn onto this Kakishubu cloth by studio J. Shortly after this idea materialized, the coronavirus began to spread throughout the world. Soon after, Japan was declared to be in a state of emergency and the days of refraining from going outside had come.
This work is a group of works that I started creating around that time. In the beginning, I started drawing 7 horizontally long works. Rather than portraying a fictional world, I wanted to express the inner side of hesitation overlapping with my own emotional journeys in the setting of a seven-day story. I mainly used oil-based colored pencils as painting materials, and some acrylic paints.
I also prepared a 1167x910cm piece of work. Because I wanted to keep the consistency of the Kakishibu cloth material throughout this exhibition, I bleached a fresh, thick and dark-colored fabric to use. I expanded my imagination using the hints of the unevenness in color caused by the bleaching. Bleaching the material also opened my mind to new perspectives. This creative process led me to come up with many scenes within one scene.
We are still highly affected by the pandemic but this is a group of works created from returning to the everyday life, feelings and state of mind of this occurrence. I hope you enjoy the world of the work.
– Yuki Chigusa December 2020
*Kakishibu: is a traditional dyeing method using the discoloration caused by oxidation of the fermented juice of unripened persimmon fruit containing strong tannin. It also reacts to sunlight, so the color changes slowly with time and sun exposure.
Exhibition: Yuki Chigusa Solo Exhibition-Automatic Return-
Dates: From Saturday, January 16th until Saturday, February 2021. Open Wednesday through Saturday 12-6pm
Location: studio J 3-12-3 Kitahorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka 〒550-0014 Cell: 080-3356-9523