
Johan Peter (Jp) Hol 展「”The Long,Thin Line(Shibboleth)/ 長く、か細い糸(家系)」10月25日-11月22日

studio Jにおける10月からの展覧会として、Johan Peter (Jp) Hol 展

”The Long,Thin Line(Shibboleth)/ 長く、か細い糸(家系)”を開催します。


当時はミラノにアトリエを構えていたオランダ人作家、J.P.ホルとstudio Jとの初めての

出合いから10年、Jp の日本での初個展から9年が経ちました。その間、彼は作品に毎回擬人化した動物のモチーフを使い、キュートで軽やかな表現で私たちを魅了して来ましたが、その根底にはいつも人生の矛盾を見つめるシリアスな眼差しがあります。




Johan Peter (Jp) Hol 展 ”The Long,Thin Line(Shibboleth)/ 長く、か細い糸(家系)

会期: 10月25日(土)~11月22日(土) 午後1時から7時 日、月、火休廊

レセプション:studio J met Jp :10th anniversary 10月25日(土)午後6時から8時


no title (paper, gold, stone, cardboard, print), 2014


no title (green glass, Fimo clay), 2014


Johan Peter Hol – The Long, Thin Line (Shibboleth)

You are warmly invited to The Long, Thin Line (Shibboleth), a solo exhibition of drawings and mixed media work by Johan Peter Hol, opening at studio J at 6pm on 25 October 2014.

 It is ten years since I met Dutch artist J.P. Hol at his Milan studio and nine since he exhibited for the first time at studio J. Although we may be charmed by the cute, anthropomorphic animals and lightness of expression characteristic of Hol’s work, at its root is a serious look at the inconsistencies of the human condition.

The theme this time, Hol’s fifth exhibition at studio J, is family lineage, as symbolised by the family tree. While our sense of belonging may emerge from overlapping connections relating to gender, race and religion, it is perhaps by reference to our family heritage that we can define our existence most clearly. We are the direct result of a line which has continued from the past and may continue into the future.

Again, drawings, and objects skillfully crafted from cheap, ready-made materials, have a vivid and sublime quality. Booklets and postcards made especially for the show will also be on sale.

We look forward to welcoming you to the exhibition.


Duration: Saturday 25 October – Saturday 22 November

Opening times: 1pm to 7pm (closed Sunday, Monday and Tuesday)

Reception: ‘JP and studio J – 10th Anniversary Party’ 25 October 2014, 6-8pm