Johanpeter(Jp)Hol個展「Building Shrines For Shadows」5月6日(土)~6月10日(土)
studio J 展覧会のお知らせ
Studio J に於ける5月の展覧会としてJohanpeter(Jp)Hol(ジョアンピーター・ホルの6回目の個展、「Building Shrines For Shadows」を開催いたします。
オランダ人作家であるJpは、2005年に開催された第一回目の個展「The Secret Garden 」を始めとし、2007年開催の「Hardship」、8年前には「 Gay Squirrel&The Tail/Tale On The Moon」、2012年に「 Dystopia」、そして2014年には「The Long, Thin Line(shibboleths)」を開催いたしました。これらの特徴的な要素をも含んだ展示が今回の「Building Shrines For Shadows」です。この個展は今年12月にもオランダのデルフトのGalerie Terraに於いても開催されます。
Jp作品の新たな展開にご注目ください。 studio J 仁義千春
Johanpeter(Jp)Hol個展 「Building Shrines For Shadows」
2017年5月6日~6月10日 午後1時から7時(水曜から土曜のみオープン)
レセプション 5月6日(土曜)午後6時から8時
studio J 〒550-0013 大阪市西区新町3-14-8 T/F 06-6110-8508
You are warmly invited to Building Shrines for Shadows, Johanpeter (Jp) Hol’s sixth solo exhibition at studio J, which will open on 6 May and run until 10 June 2017.
Dutch artist Hol’s first exhibition at studio J, in 2005, was entitled The Secret Garden. In 2007, he presented Hardship,and Gay Squirrel & The Tail/Tale Of The Cat On The Moon in 2009. Dystopia and The Long, Thin Line (shibboleths) followed in 2012 and 2014 respectively. All the major elements of these earlier bodies of work will be brought together in this new exhibition. An adapted version of it will also be shown at Galerie Terra, Delft, The Netherlands, in December 2017.
Hol’s work is based on the ingrained solitude of human existence. Paradoxically, we may feel loneliness not only when we are alone but even when we are part of a group. In one way or another, we all cast shadows over each other. We do this to ourselves, but also to other individuals – to our family and to society as a whole. Life’s paradoxical shadows are evidently there, but as soon as you want to reach out and touch them, they spring aside and change shape.
Hol’s work can be seen as a series of tangible ‘shrines’ which aim to raise awareness of these fleeting marks of existence. Although shrines often have a religious association, they may also represent intimate places for the routines of remembrance and meditation, igniting a sliver of hope or a silent wish for a better future.
Although Hol’s work is underpinned by a serious message, it is characterised by a colourful lightness of expression. This exhibition will feature a new body of porcelain vessels made during a residency at Sanbao, Jingdezhen, China. These will be combined with mixed media elements to create a series of shrines corresponding to the various shadows.
We look forward to welcoming you to studio J to experience these fresh new works.
Chiharu Jingi
studio J
Building Shrines for Shadows
6 May – 10 June 2017
Reception 6 May, 6-8pm
studio J
3-14-8 Shinmachi, Kita-Ku, Osaka-shi, 550-0013
T/F 06-6110-8508