studio J 展覧会のお知らせ
studio J に於ける9月からの展覧会といたしまして「大槻拓矢個展-見えすぎない距離」を開催致します。
大槻の個展はstudio Jに於いては初めての開催となります。
12時から午後6時 水曜から土曜(展覧会期間中のみのオープン)
Announcement of studio J Exhibition
We are pleased to announce that from September, studio J will be hosting a solo exhibition by Takuya Otsuki titled “Strange Distance.”
This will be Otsuki’s first solo exhibition at studio J. Otsuki’s work often features motifs of small animals and abstracted, brightly imagined landscapes. The combination of these somewhat pop-like atmospheres with the dry texture unique to Japanese painting brings out the charm of Otsuki’s work.
In this exhibition, we will be showcasing over ten works, including sketchbooks. We sincerely invite you to come and view the exhibition.
Artist’s Statement
In my work, I create space within the painting by repeatedly engaging in acts of imitation, such as tracing and copying images obtained from sketches and reproductions, and arranging the figures on the canvas. The figures placed within the space both define the space and are influenced by it, as well as by the adjacent images, gradually transforming from the original motifs.
I explore the relationship between images and space on a two-dimensional plane that arises from these interactions.
—Takuya Otsuki
Exhibition: “Takuya Otsuki Solo Exhibition-Strange Distance”
Dates: September 7(Sat) to 28(Sat) 2024
12 pm to 6 pm (open only Wednesday to Saturday)